Saturday, August 14, 2010

The "Difficult" Artist?

As the business continues to shed interesting light on interesting happenings...

What is the "difficult" Artist?

Performers who come across as "difficult" seem that way only from certain perspectives.

Sometimes performers are simply difficult because they are not professional enough to really claim their artistry - or simply are not artists.  They think they need to behave a certain way to give them some kind of credibility.  What they do, is give those of us who are truly artists, emerging artists, performers of substance and integrity, a bad name.

SO - if the artist truly IS one - why are they labelled "Difficult"?  And who does that labelling?

I have many clients, great friends, relatives, and self who have been labelled "difficult".  We are simply not.

We simply are ready to stand up for what we believe in, and say so, and back it up with professionalism, and the ability to bring our craft to the stage.

Perhaps, what is the most insulting to an artist, is being dismissed.  The "dismissed" artist certainly will let you know when you've crossed that line.  As they should.  As someone should.

An artist is a human being.  We would like to be treated with that basic dignity.  We are not a commodity, we have feelings,  we have a spirit and a soul.  We are not part of the equipment.  We are a living, breathing life force that deserves the simple respect of every other human being.

An artist is not "difficult" if he/she is not "dismissed".

An artist carries a special quality called talent and craft with them.  This is why they are hired.  They are hired to do a job because they are qualified for it.

Artists honestly do not ask for much.

Simply, an artist wants recognition for what they do, and who they are.  They would like to be respected for what they need in order to do their job to the best of their ability.  They would like a simple thank you,  a simple human dignity,  an exchange for their time and their effort.

I can count on one hand the number of times I have actually been asked "what can we do to make it work for you to be here?" or something of that nature...

Imagine having a work environment that treats you with respect and dignity?  That is safe on every level?  That allows you to create?  That does not cause anxiety?

If you disrespect your artists,  do not expect loyalty or ease of execution.  You will be met with what you deserve:  a hostile environment that YOU have created.

It comes down to relationships, boundaries and mutual respect.  If the relationship is misrepresented, if the boundaries are breached, and the respect is not there,  how can we as artists work?

Yes, the artist must take ownership in this.  Of course!

Again, I ask - what is so difficult about making an offer that is with respect, dignity and fairness?

If you offer respect, dignity and fairness, chances are you will get it back - as well as loyalty and an extra mile from that artist!

If you get that loyalty and work from the artist, then the show goes on - to great success!!

When you create an atmosphere to inhibit, disregard and dismiss an will get what you deserve.

Why have we lost the "treat others the way you wish to be treated?" in business?  It could work you know!  The pretenders and "over-egos" and the plain crazy people might even be shaken loose in order to make way for respectful, strong, dignified and fair human beings who have integrity and live by a code and honor larger than some one's greed.  On BOTH sides of the footlights.

Am I dreaming?  I can wish and hope.

And I can live my life and my art that way.  And in doing so,  shed some much light and awareness on that dark hole that can create difficulty where there was none to begin with.

Difficult?  Absolutely not.  Real artists aren't difficult.  Perhaps you are hiring the wrong people.

But if you dismiss me and disrespect me, as an artist - then it is YOUR decision to be difficult - prepare for consequences on a karmic level.

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