Saturday, July 20, 2013

Shameless Self Promotion!

My castle my rules!

One of the things I have been trying to recoup from the accident is my artistic voice.

I simply do not have the physical ability I had before. So performing is going to be inhibited.

So,  what do I DO?!  I will not allow someone to take that away from me.

I turned to voiceover work.  Studied,  continue to develop my craft, and booked several audio books this year!

It allows me to keep my acting chops and my voice in shape and gives me creative license to explore the art of story telling.  I am loving it!

Two of three books have now been released.
A third will be released in the next 2 weeks.
I am about to begin another one for a fall release.

Here are the links!

The first,  Secrets of the Red Box by Vickie Hall
available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes!

The second, Love is in the Air by Devon Vaughn Archer
available on Amazon, Audible and iTunes!

The third is ROUGE VOLUME 1 by Leigh Talbert Moore
and will be released in audio format in the next two weeks!

I am excited to be doing this professionally now - and hope to do more!

Finding those things that keep your artistic voice growing and residing somewhere is so crucial to our ongoing development.

I am finding new and wonderful ways of exploring my artistic and actor roots and using my voice in new but familiar ways! It makes life worth living and gives me more HOPE.  I am not done yet!

Thanks for letting me promote my new work!!


  1. That's awesome-Congratulations!!! Would you mind sharing with all of us what talent agency you work with in NYC? I've taken a few voice over classes before at Ripley Grier, but I never was really able to figure out how to get into the business. Do you have any advice for those of us who would be interested in doing something similar?

  2. thanks Julia! I freelance currently, but you should look at studying specifically for craft. I cannot recommend Charles Michel highly enough. You can also look at Actors Connection for classes. Craft is KEY.
